Friday 8 April 2011

Ryan Leslie Spills About His First Rap Album, Calls On 50, Kanye & Pusha + Talks Cassie Memories


Don't put Ryan Leslie in the box of nerdy virtuoso. In the current issue of Bullett magazine, the Harvard graduate turned R&B crooner reveals that his third album Less Is More will have more rhymes than melody.

"Less is More is a rap album, and I want to control everything on it. I’m writing all the lyrics, and I’m producing the record, too," he says. "As far as collaborations, I’ve been playing records for some people-- 50 Cent, Kanye…I’m going to send a song to Pusha from the Clipse, too, and we’ll see who wants to get on it."

R. Les also spoke a bit on his old half-buzzed flame, Cassie Ventura: "Cassie was my girl in New York City. We were going out romantically, and we made a song and put it out just for fun," says Leslie with a laugh. "I would hope that people get into romantic relations for fun and pleasure. It’s the dream of every guy to have a girl that’s super fun, hot, and awesome, and have everyone look at her. That was certainly fun."

But don't be quick to expect a collaboration on Leslie's third effort. Though the the Grammy nominee would never hesistate to work with Cassie, the two have not spoken in some time. "She is still signed to Next Selection, but to be honest, we don’t really speak. We are still cordial. I saw her at Kanye’s Bowery performance and I said “Hello” to her. You always have the curiosity about what would happen if we got back in the studio, but it’s a matter of scheduling and timing. If it ever happens, I am one hundred percent open to it."

Expect Less Is More to make it's debut July 4.

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